We accept donations in many ways - please call the office to speak with a member of our staff to complete your donations.

This spring, all roads lead to NAMIWalks Your Way: A United Day of Hope with the destination as always being Mental Health for All.
The Oklahoma event is May 21, 2022.
Details for the Oklahoma event can be found here.
To join the Tulsa Strong NAMI team, register here.

Our Flagship annual fundraiser is The NAMIWalk. It occurs once each year with members collecting pledges and culminates in a statewide gathering of several local affiliates at a designated location. The event is impressive to observe and the mass of people present a public statement of influence.
The same event is also happening in over 80 locations throughout the united states.
We are a 501 (c)3 corporation partially funded by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

Our funding comes from local grants and a mix of state government funds for specific programs we operate, along with donations from community businesses, family foundations, and membership drives.
We all can do something for our less-fortunate neighbors. Sometimes all it takes is seeing a real need in front of our eyes. Sometimes it's just a matter of getting around to doing what we meant to do a while ago. If that's you, please considering donating.